We spoke to Sophie Dart at Nimax Theatres to find out more about what shows are popular with groups and what sets the team apart.

Harry Potter and the Cursed Child (2021-22)

Source: Manuel Harlan

Hogwarts fans will love Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, which is one of Nimax’s many shows.

Have you got anything coming up that you’re particularly excited about?

Sophie Dart, Nimax Theatres

Sophie Dart.

Yes, Why Am I So Single?, the new show from the creators of Six. It is much anticipated when it begins in August at the Garrick Theatre.

What shows are especially popular for groups?

We receive a high number group requests for all our shows, but Six and Harry Potter and the Cursed Child are always very popular.

When should GTOs book with you for the best prices?

Booking early usually means the best prices and best availability. We often have early booking and accelerator rates on many of our shows, but we’ll do our best to get your group in to see a show no matter when you come to us. Joining our Nimax Groups mailing list is a great way of staying up to date with all the latest deals and shows.

The full cast of Six the Musical at the Vaudeville Theatre in London

Source: Pamela Raith Photography

Six is a great option for groups and remains extremely popular. 

What sets Nimax apart from other ticketing agencies?

We’re a multi-award nominated team for our groups service, we have excellent inside knowledge of our theatres and the shows, and you pay nothing extra on top of the ticket prices. We offer a swift and very personal service - if we receive a request during the week we will always get back to you the same day with a response. Our aim is always to make booking tickets with Nimax as easy and enjoyable as possible. It’s the best route for access to the best seats to Nimax shows.

If you could play any part on stage, what would it be?

Any of the Queens in Six. Even today they have an amazing story to tell, however I’m not sure the voice would match my aspiration!

The auditorium @sohoplace theatre in the West End

Source: Philip Vile

@sohoplace theatre in the West End is Sophie’s favourite venue.

What’s your favourite Nimax venue?

@sohoplace, as I love an in-the-round theatre space, but I love going to any Nimax venue. It is always a joy to share them with our customers, they are gems of the West End!

Sophie is groups & education sales manager for Nimax Theatres which own six West-End theatres and manages a seventh. Her role means managing any group requests for ten tickets or more and building relationships with group organisers.

For more information go to nimaxtheatres.com/groups.