Mediterranean Biome

The Eden Project’s Mediterranean Biome is undergoing what’s said to be its biggest transformation to date, with the creation of a new area devoted to some of Australia’s extraordinary flora.

Grass trees, kangaroo paws and wax flowers will be some of the plants gracing the biome for the first time.

Work is already underway to create the new area and groups visiting will be able to see the new collection from this spring. The first plants, including 11 of the distinctive grass trees, have already been installed.

Eden is collaborating with Kings Park and Botanic Garden in Perth, Western Australia, to recreate the habitats of the south west of this state.

The new ‘garden within a garden’ at the Eden Project will have three sections. The first is the Jarrah forest on the sloped beds, telling the story of the critical role of fire in maintaining habitat, and plant adaptations related to fire.

The second bed will showcase ‘wow’ plants such as wax flowers, everlastings and a collection of kangaroo paws.

The third section will be called Kwongan, and will include endemic plants such as Acacias, Eucalyptus and Calothamnus. It will represent an area of impoverished soil with the lowest nutrients but one of the greatest diversities of flora.

Dr Mike Maunder, Eden’s director of life sciences, said: “The Eden Project celebrates the wonder of the natural world, our dependence on it, and the imperative of repairing it. The flora of south west Australia is a natural wonder and is amongst the world’s most threatened landscapes.” 

Discounts for groups at the Eden Project

Discounted group rates for parties of 15 or more can be booked by calling 01726-811903 or e-mailing

Introductory talks and guided tours are also available when booking as a group.

For more information visit