Contemporary dance company Rambert has unveiled two new shows, performing now up until mid-March 2016.
The two brand new pieces are called The 3 Dancers and Frames.
The Three Dancers is inspired by the tragic love story behind Picasso’s art of the same name and aims to explore the themes of the painter’s work such as love, desire and death.
The piece will include three dancers dressed in white, with the other half of the cast dressed as their shadows and darker selves, in order to portray the social, psychological and human elements of the painter’s work.
This show will be choreographed by internationally-renowned choreographer Didy Veldman and features an original score by Elena Kats-Chernin.
The second work is a collaboration with visual artists Tuur Van Balen and Revital Cohen. Frames features 12 performers dismantling the set, moving lighting and changing angles.
They constantly create new spaces, playing with what’s revealed and what’s hidden to create a stage within a stage, featuring highly technical dancing.
On this tour, Rambert will also perform The Strange Charm of Mother Nature on cetain dates.
This show is inspired by particle physics and the recent discovery of the Higgs boson ‘God Particle’.
It premiered in September 2014 and sees dancers experiment with the energy of the miniscule building blocks that created life, the universe and everything in between.
Rambet will tour until mid-March at venues such as His Majesty’s Theatre, Aberdeen, New Theatre Victoria, Woking and Theatre Royal. Brighton.
For the full list of dates and tickets visit