Trentham Estate will showcase 5,000 ceramic butterflies in an art installation that will form the garden’s new centrepiece. 

Trentham Estate's butterfly installation

Source: Joe Wainwright

An artistic illustration of the butterflies taking shape in the gardens.

Each hand-crafted butterfly will be unique and when all together, will portray a butterfly themed installation to show Stoke’s ceramic and metal industrial heritage. 

The installation named Taking Flight, will be on display until early November.

Every butterfly on display is also for sale at £30 each, with all funds raised going to The Donna Louise Hospice for Children & Young People. 

One free day admission to Trentham Gardens will be issued if you decide to buy one of the many butterflies on offer.

Groups looking to visit the garden’s latest art project can do so with 12 or more receiving discounted entry. The coach driver and group organiser go free.

Once the exhibit finishes, every purchased butterfly will be free to fly away into its new home.

The artwork was crafted by two of Stoke-on-Trent’s ceramics industry, Wade Ceramics and Johnson Tiles, the latter making the poppies over the Tower of London to commemorate the centenary of World War One. 

The butterfly design was inspired by a piece of art made by Charlotte Thom, who spent time at The Donna Louise Hospice before her death last year, aged 20.

With more than 3.2 million visitors each year, the estate boasts 725 acres of gardens, shops and tree-top climbing adventures. 

About The Donna Louise Charity

The Donna Louise charity provides specialist care and support to services for children and young people with life-limiting conditions. The charity is there to help parents and families who understand that they will most likely outlive their children. You can make a donation by visiting: